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Welcome To

Widmer End
Community Combined School

A community for learning. Raising expectations. Fulfilling high standards.

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Pre-School is now taking applications for Autumn Term 2024. 


How to apply for place for your child at Widmer End Pre-School:


Step 1. Submit an Admission Form along with the session request form.

Step 2. We will reply either confirming which sessions we are able to offer or inviting you to join the waiting list. We will also send you an acceptance form and the relevant funding forms.

Step 3. Return the acceptance form and funding forms together.

Step 4. We will send you an invite to attend a settling in session with your child. 

Step 5. When you have confirmed you can make the settling in session, we will be in touch to discuss a formal start date with you!


We would strongly encourage a visit to our Pre-School before you make any decisions. If you would like to organise this, please call the School Office on 01494 714371 or email Mrs Watson (EYFS Leader) at preschool@widmerend.bucks.sch.uk and we will happily arrange a suitable date and time for that to happen.

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