Hot Dog Days
Hot Dog Days are usually held on the first Friday of the month (dates are on the school calendar). On this day, the School Association serve hot dogs (aka frankfurter style sausages, meat or vegetarian), traditional sausages (meat only, cooked by a local butchers) and cakes - normal hot school meals are not provided, the children can either have hot dogs or bring their own packed lunch. All profit from this event is for the school! It is a great fundraiser and the children really enjoy it!
To choose a veggie option, choose 'Hot Dogs' then put a note in the dietary requirements section.
Prices are below, and children can order a few items, although we limit them to a maximum of 2 hot dogs/sausages and 2 cakes! Squash or water are provided for free.
1 Hot Dog / Traditional Sausage & 1 Cake for free
Extra Hot Dog - 50p
Extra Traditional Sausage - £1.40
Extra Cake - 30p
JUNIORS (unless eligible for Free School Meals)
First Hot Dog - £1.50
Second Hot Dog - 50p
First Traditional Sausage - £2.40
Second Traditional Sausage - £1.40
All cakes - 30p
Pupil Premium students in receipt of Free School Meals are entitled to a free hot dog and cake and can purchase additional items as above.
If your child has dietary requirements / allergies please make this clear on your booking and we will be in touch to speak to you about it further. We do try to accommodate as many children as possible! Please note that the food we buy does not contain any nut products, however some items could be ‘may contain nuts’, as it is nearly impossible to avoid this, particularly with cake products. If your child has a nut allergy please state this on the booking and we will provide separate food that is not a ‘may contain’. However, the traditional butchers sausages are made in a shop that handles other allergens, and they may therefore contain traces of other allergens.
Please note that, along with other PTA events, Hot Dog days are not refundable if your child is absent on the day. We hope you understand that we are raising money for our school and will have already bought the food for your child if they are off sick.
We hope all the children enjoy Hot Dog Days! Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who volunteer their time to help run this great fundraising event every month!