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Welcome To

Widmer End
Community Combined School

A community for learning. Raising expectations. Fulfilling high standards.

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Current School Association Committee Members

All parents are automatically  members of the School Association when they join the school. 


The membership of the School Association Committee aims to represent all classes in the school from Preschool to Year 6. Please do feel free to get in touch with any of the committee members listed below!


Committee Officers:

Co-CHAIR - Joanne Lindsay (Yr 1)

Co-CHAIR -  Nicky Mellett (Yr 4)
TREASURER - Liz Taylor (Yr 6 & Yr 4)
SECRETARY - Sam Blundell (Yr 5)

Committee Members:

Catherine Ede (Yr 6)

Alice Ramcharran (Yr 5)

Heidi Mahony (Yr 3 & Y1)

Tara Walker (Yr 2 & Reception)

Amy Allen (Yr 1)



Staff Members 

Mrs Hillier



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