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Widmer End
Community Combined School

A community for learning. Raising expectations. Fulfilling high standards.

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Events & Celebrations

The Enormous Crocodile Walk 2024

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LAMDA Assembly

A.I.M. High Able Writers Day

Inter-Schools High-5 Netball Tournament

Wooden Spoon World Book Day Competition

Rail Safe Friendly Bronze & Silver Award

Makaton Club Video, December '23

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RSPCA Assembly

New Entrance Officially Open!

Environmental Youth Conference at Pipers Corner

Easter Treasure Hunt!

Indian Dance Assembly March '23

World Down Syndrome Day

Sublime Science

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Sublime Science

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Sublime Science

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Sublime Science

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Sublime Science

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Year 6 Internet Safety Assembly

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Year 3 Sharing Assembly

Year 5 Discover Dreidels for Hanukkah

Knitting Club Success!

Makaton Performance December 2022

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Our Makaton lunchtime club have shown us what they've learned this term, haven't they done well!

Widmer End - Indian Dance

Mrs Saha supported our pupils to take part in the Widmer End Platinum Jubilee Event and the pupils did us proud! Every Thursday they pratice different dances and then showcase their amazing talents in regular assemblies and then this! Well done Indian Dance Club!

High Wycombe pupils crocodile walk themselves to school!

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Widmer End Combined School in High Wycombe are encouraging their pupils to walk to school with the help from a crocodile!

Crocodiles are organised walking buses, and offer a way for children to travel safely to school without using the car.

Mr Dutton runs the School Travel Plan for Widmer End and managed to organise this wonderful event, along with the PTA who provided a 'Big Bus Breakfast' when the pupils and families arrived.

We hope that the walk to school event encourages more children to walk to school more regularly.

Little Welly

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Pupils and families at Widmer End took part in Little Welly to raise funds for our partner school Mang'ang'a in Kenya. We all completed the 3km or 5km assault course tackling over 30 obstacles through mud, water and foam!

We managed to raise over £2000 for Mang'ang'a Primary School to be able to finish their toilets and buy other key things on their wish list. A huge thank you to Charlotte Colvin who organised the event and made sure we all knew where we were going and what we were doing - we are so grateful for all of her hard work to make sure we had a great day and raised loads of money.

Photos from Little Welly June 2022

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