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Widmer End
Community Combined School

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Ofsted & Performance Data

Our last Ofsted Inspection was in July 2023. We were judged to still be a GOOD school with effective Safeguarding. 


"This is a happy school where pupils are confident and motivated to learn."


"Pupils feel safe and secure because nurturing staff work closely together as a dedicated team."


"Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. They want to please their teachers and do their best."


"The school is flourishing. As soon as the headteacher joined, she put in place a programme of rapid improvements."



The full report is below.

Uneven impact of the pandemic on 2021/22 school and college performance data

Pupils included in the 2021/22 school and college performance measures will have had an uneven disruption to their learning.

We, therefore, recommend not making direct comparisons between schools, or with data from previous years. Comparisons with local and national averages can be made cautiously to put an individual school or college’s results into context.

There are other factors that will also make direct comparisons difficult:

  • Changes were made to the way school and college performance measures were calculated. Results achieved between January 2020 and August 2021 by pupils included in this year’s measures are not included in the calculations.

The individual school and college data should be used with caution. It reflects a school or college’s results in 2021/22 but cannot provide information about the factors which may have influenced these results.

When forming a view of how well the school or college is doing, you should consider a range of different information sources, for example, discussing with the school or college directly, the school or college website, Ofsted reports, friends, and family.


Key Stage 1 Data

Year 2 reports show a child’s teacher assessed attainment at the end of key stage 1. These reports also have to include a comparison against Widmer End and national data. Widmer End’s data is reported as the average for 2022 whilst the only national average data we have available at this time relates to 2019. Please be aware that the 2019 national average data is pre COVID19 whilst the 2022 data demonstrates the clear impact that national lockdowns and COVID19 have had.


% of pupils meeting the expected standard at Widmer End (2022)% of pupils meeting expected standard: nationally (2022)% of pupils meeting expected standard: school (2019)% of pupils meeting expected standard: nationally (2019)*

Key Stage 2 Data

Year 6 reports show a child’s teacher assessment for Writing and Science and their Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) results for Reading, Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG). These reports also have to include a comparison against Widmer End’s average and national average data for 2022.The government will not publish KS2 level data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

% of pupils meeting the expected standard (2022)% of pupils meeting expected standard: school (2019)% of pupils meeting expected standard: nationally (2019)*
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar77%78%78%

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