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Widmer End
Community Combined School

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Sports Premium & Swimming


Sports Premium Funding 

We are very fortunate that both our children and our staff team enjoy competitive sport. Children participate in 2 hours of PE lessons every week. This is enhanced by the wider variety of clubs we offer after school. These clubs include: Netball, Football, Running, Tag Rugby, Cricket and Dancing. Throughout the year we also have visiting coaches in sports such as basketball, skipping, cricket etc to demonstrate the variety of activities children can become involved in. We take part in inter school competitions throughout the year organised by our local Secondary School and we arrange friendly matches in netball, football, multiskills and running.  This encourages children in dance, drama and performance to rehearse a piece independently. We also take our children in KS2 to local swimming lessons, held at Cedar Park School.


Our funding report is detailed below, to showcase how we spend our Sports Premium funding to enhance our school life and curriculum for the children.



Sports Premium Report

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