Welcome from the Headteacher
Widmer End Community Combined School is an inspiring school that develops happy, well-rounded children with a love for learning, underpinned by our 6 core values: Unity, Trust, Courage, Curiosity, Respect and Kindness.
We are always looking at ways in which we can develop and improve the school so our pupils gain a rich and broad learning experience while at Widmer End, preparing them for the next stage in their education. With this, the school has recently amalgamated our much loved pre-school with Reception to ensure carefully planned continuous provision, enabling all children to learn skills, challenge their thinking and help them to embed new concepts. We are also proud of our new Forest School provision, excellent pastoral support, new intervention spaces and opportunities for pupils to try different clubs and develop new skills such as Indian Dance and Makaton.
Our incredible staff love what they do and receive high-quality training and support, ensuring that our children are given the best possible learning experiences. All pupils have termly opportunities to visit new places to support their learning and ignite excitement about topics they are learning, as well as have visitors who create exciting days for them in school. We believe in bringing learning to life and ensuring all pupils develop a love of learning.
It is a great privilege for me to lead such a wonderful, community focused school with fantastic pupils and I aim to continue to build on that success in order to make a difference to the lives of our young people. From reading about us, I hope you will feel the pride we have in our school. If you are considering Widmer End school for your child, please come and visit our warm and friendly school, speak to our staff and children, and we will answer any questions you may have.
We hope you will find our website helpful.
Please click here to access a virtual tour of our school building and grounds.
Thank you for visiting!
Mrs Hillier

Welcome Presentation
Our School
Our Typical School Day
The front gate will open for parents, guardians and carers at 08:30 and close at 08:45. Our School day begins with a school bell at 08:43, children are met on the playground and quietly led into their classrooms. Registration is 08:45-08:55, children arriving after 08:45 MUST come straight to the front office.
Our core subjects of English, Maths and Phonics usually take place in the morning, broken up with shared assembly times for Reception & KS1, and KS2. Our other lessons take place after lunch, which is 12 - 1pm. For three lunch breaks per week, we provide 'positive play' sessions, using our supplier ClubSport.
The day finishes at 15:15. Parents, guardians and carers will be let in through the front gate and meet their children on the playground. Teachers are usually available for a quick chat, although we prefer you to book an appointment if you have any concerns or questions. Our gate is locked by 15:25. Any parent arriving late to collect their child will be contacted and need to come straight to the front office.
Our wraparound care is provided by Friends At Play, please see the wraparound care section on our website for more details.